Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Clonmac's Bridge by Jeffrey Perren, On Sale Father's Day 2015

Celebrate Father's Day with a novel - Clonmac's Bridge - on sale for 99 cents in the U.S. and £0.99 in the UK. Sale starts June 17th, ends June 21.

“Jeffrey Perren’s skills as a wordsmith are high caliber. 

“He seems as if he would be comfortable on an archeological dig. He also knows his medieval Irish history and a good bit of the politics of the early church.” 

“This book is an excellent and engrossing historical tale. 

Seamlessly told through the eyes of those in the 9th century and modern day, it was a real pleasure to read. 

The style of writing really grabbed me from the first few pages to the end.”
Ali, A Woman’s Wisdom